GROTON GRANGE #7 invites you to our traditional NEW ENGLAND CONTRA DANCE on Saturday, February 1, 2025, from 7:3 -10:00 PM, at Historic Groton Grange Hall, 80 Champney Street. This will be an evening of live music and dancing with Groton’s own Contra Banditos, along with caller Dudley Laufman, who will teach traditional New England style contra, square, and line dances to the beat of old time fiddle tunes. Beginners are welcome, no experience or partner is necessary. Suggested donation at the door is $5.00 per person, children under 3 years old are free, and family maximum is $20. Made possible by a grant from the Town of Groton lecture Funds. Refreshments are provided. PARKING ALLOWED ONLY ON THE GRANGE SIDE OF CHAMPNEY ST.