Tyngsborough and Surrounding Towns News

Evangelical Congregational Church of Tyngsboro ~ Est. 1868  Route 113, 23 Kendall Rd., Tyngsboro, MA 01879  978-649-2262

RALLY DAY – SEPTEMBER 8th – As we gear up for another busy season, please plan to bring your children to our Rally Day and sign them up for our awesome Sunday School program. A light breakfast will be served. Our Sunday School program is exciting and fun! The kids LOVE coming for their classes on Sunday mornings! They will attend church with their parents until about 10:15 then be dismissed to their classes. If you cannot come on September 8th you can still sign your children up during the month of September. Let’s give our kids something to get excited about!!! 

SUNDAY VBS SUMMER PROGRAM – Thank you to Patti Ann Reekie and Joan Politi for the summer Sunday VBS classes at our Christian Learning Center (CLC). The classrooms were decorated in a circus theme, a Bible class was presented, games and prizes were awarded to the children. The circus theme and decorations were truly amazing!!! The children LOVED it!! Thank you over and over for ALL that you do!!! We are so blessed to have you!!!

EXECUTIVE BOARDS – Will start meeting again monthly in September. Please consider joining and getting involved in one of our Teams. Speak to one of our Deacons or Team Leaders if you’d like more information. If you have questions regarding our church activities and programs, please feel free to contact our Office. Deacons are: Wes Day-Lewis, Jim Politi, George Richardson, Nate Richardson, Charlotte Tyson Williams and Barry Shirk.

LADIES BIBLE STUDY – New study will begin in September or October. This study is held on Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11:00 am at our newly renovated Christian Learning Center (CLC). This study is led by our Pastor’s wife, Diane Michaud. Call our Office for more information.

MEN’S BIBLE STUDY – New study will begin in September or October. This study is held Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 pm at our newly renovated Christian Learning Center (CLC). This study is led by Deacon Jim Politi. Call our Office for more information.

DAYCARE DURING CHURCH SERVICES – Daycare is provided every Sunday morning when the children are dismissed. All daycare staff are cleared through a State Mandated  CORI check if working with minor children so you can be assured your child is safe. They will have fun meeting new friends and learning about Jesus. We are always looking for helpers for Sunday mornings. Our goal is to have enough staff member volunteers so you would only have to help one Sunday a month. Please sign up or speak to a Deacon, Joan Politi, our Sunday School Superintendent or Patti Ann Reekie, Secretary and Sunday School Assistant.

CHOIR PRACTICE – Wednesday evenings 6:30 to 8:00 pm. Led by our own professional gospel singer, Barry Shirk.

YOUTH GROUP – Our Sunday School leaders will begin a new year with Youth Group meetings. Dates and times will be forthcoming soon. Consider signing up your young teen for fun yet spiritual, supportive and sharing time group meetings. This time is a great and safe place for them to share and care. The world is a very turbulent place for us as adults as well as our children, Let’s support them and give them positive survival tools any way we can!!!

TEAM JESUS T-SHIRTS – Navy blue T-shirts with big white letters saying TEAM JESUS were purchased and given to every person at our church. We are all wearing the TEAM JESUS shirts wherever we go. We want our community and those we come in contact with to look at our shirts and know that we are praising Jesus each and every day and we are not ashamed or afraid of professing our faith out loud!! Thank you to our church leaders!!! What a positive message you have given us!

PRAYER & PRAISE MEETINGS – Meets on Wednesday evenings in our Sanctuary from 5:15 to 6:15 pm. Please join us for prayers, praise, singing and spiritual support. We all need uplifting often in our lives. This will help give you strength for daily struggles. Led by Pastor Nyakio Kamau.

ICE CREAM SOCIAL – The Thrift Store held our Ice Cream Social to thank all our devoted volunteers and customers for their dedicated and faithful support on July 25 and 27. It was a success and everyone enjoyed this special event. Thank you to ALL!!!

THRIFT STORE – Great Prices!  Amazing Selections/Items  HOURS: 10:00am to 3pm on Thursdays and Saturdays. You can remain updated by visiting our website. www.tyngsborocongregational.org or check our Facebook page for unexpected closure dates.

      Our Thrift Store continues to be a vital resource for all the families that shop every week. It continues to be such a positive ministry for our church and we so appreciate all our customers, donors and volunteers who dedicate their time, talent and treasures. You are ALL a BLESSING to us!!! We apologize for our down-time this summer due to unforeseen circumstances. But we are up and running again so please come visit us! If we encounter inclement weather or store is closed for any unspecified reason, you may go to our Facebook page and any cancellations are available at this site by 9:00 am on a Thursday or Saturday morning. 

                    THRIFT STORE CLOSED – Saturday, August 31 (in observance of Labor Day)