DUNSTABLE PLANING BOARD ~ Town’s Scenic Road Bylaw
At Town Meeting in May of 1995, The Town of Dunstable voted to designate certain streets as scenic roads within the meaning of “Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 15C: Scenic road designations; improvements; fines”
The law states: “After a road has been designated as a scenic road any repair, maintenance, reconstruction, or paving work done with respect thereto shall not involve or include the cutting or removal of trees, or the tearing down or destruction of stone walls, or portions thereof, except with the prior written consent of the planning board…”
Please review page 83 of the Town’s General Bylaws to see if your street is considered scenic and go to the Planning Board’s Forms page for the necessary Scenic Road Request form and instructions for submission. An applicant must request a Scenic Roads hearing and authorization prior to any roadside alterations on their property. Contact Carol Rock via Crock@Dunstable-MA.GOV or call (978) 649-4514 X230 for more information.